Friday, April 1, 2011

The Y Chromosome

So I'm not really the social networking type (i.e., I hate Facebook and Twitter). But I have to admit that I love to read blogs. Of course it's (only slightly) more entertaining when I actually know the blogger, but I am easily drawn in by hilarious blogs about everyday life. And in an attempt to lower my blood pressure and release some stress, I have decided to start a blog about the trials and tribulations of living with a romantic partner. This mostly means venting about how hard I work to keep a clean, organized and comfortable home while my boyfriend sets out to prove he's the most disgusting, sloppy and lazy person I've ever met! How did I never realize these traits before? You know that lady in the Parade Magazine that comes in the Sunday paper? Her name is Marilyn vos Savant and she apparently has/had the highest known IQ. Each week she answers viewers' most puzzling questions. Well, this is mine: How does the Y chromosome provide the ability for one to have absolutely no awareness of dirt, mess and "common sensical" tasks that take less than 30 seconds to complete? This includes, but is not limited to: crumbs on the counter, dishes in the sink, an empty toilet paper holder, a pile of dirty clothes on the floor beside an empty hamper, a full trash can, skid marks in the toilet, pee on the toilet seat, body hair on the toilet seat, remote controls wedged between couch cushions, dirty socks under the bed, behind pillows & on the bathroom floor, cereal boxes with their tops left open put back in the cupboard to get stale, empty milk cartons put back in the fridge, tissues, receipts, gum wrappers & money left in pant pockets placed in the wash, shoes left under the coffee table, DVDs and video games thrown on top of their protective cases, the purpose of place mats or the nickels and dimes that find their way all over the house (just to name a few). What is it about the Y chromosome, Marilyn, that has given men this "gift" to live so carefree in their own filth? Please advise.

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